The Kindred Lodges Association (KLA) was formed in 1952 to encourage Masonic Lodges formed by, or including, Masons who are, or were, involved in Youth Work to link together.
Membership of the KLA is available to existing Freemasons either through being a member of a subscribing lodge, or as an individual Associate Member. Whether as a Member or an Associate Member, you have the same rights and privileges due to all masons with the ability to attend any Festival Meeting of the Association.
The prime activity, other than encouraging inter Lodge visiting, is to hold two Festival meetings each year. The dress for these meetings is the uniform of their youth organisation for those entitled to wear it. An occasional newsletter is distributed to all individual associate members as well as the member Lodges.
W. Bro Pat Farr
Pat has been a member of Venturer Lodge 7897, Essex for some 40 years and as well as Past Master of Unity, Peace and Concord 316 (the Past Masters Lodge KLA lodge). Also a founder of Be Prepared Lodge 9845 and currently Secretary of Salfordians’ Lodge 7968 and Area Mentor for Manchester City West. Scouting also takes a fair bit of time as County Training Manager for Manchester North and Trustee Chair. “The KLA is unique and is a nationwide group of special interest lodges;” …Pat goes on to say… “spread over the UK, KLA lodges value scouting and youth work principles alongside the parallels of freemasonry; Together both develop Service and Skills for Life.”
Deputy Chairman and Liaison with The Scouts and UGLE
W. Bro Tony Harvey
Tony has been the KLA’s liaison with The Scout Association since 2005 and with UGLE since 2008, becoming the 2012 Prestonian Lecturer with “Scouting & Freemasonry: two parallel organisations?” Tony was the organising Secretary for the conversion of the Lodge of Unity, Peace & Concord No. 316 into the KLA’s Installed Masters’ Lodge, subsequently becoming its Master in 2015. Within Scouting, Tony is currently a Training Manager responsible for the County team and DCs in Derbyshire, a County Trainer (Leadership & Management), an HQ Training Adviser and Appointments Chair for his local District.
Honorary President
W. Bro Steve Gough
Steve is the recent past Secretary of Lodge Unity, Peace and Concord No.316, The Installed Masters lodge of the KLA as well as Secretary of Venturer No.7897 Essex and Derwent Lodge, Derbyshire. Steve has spent more than 15 years as KLA Chairman and now has the honorary role of President.
Merchandise and Promotions Officer
W Bro Alan K B Beavis OBE
Alan has been the KLA’s Treasurer since 2009, secretary of his mother lodge Semper Fidelis no 5052 in the province of Bristol and a founder member of 3 Scout Lodges in the south of England. Member of the Lodge of Unity, Peace & Concord No. 316 the KLA’s Installed Master’s Lodge. Within Scouting, Alan is currently the UK Coordinator for the Friends of Scouting Europe that raises funds for the European Scout Foundation. A member of the International Scout Support Unit since its formation.
W Bro Steve Richards
Steve was elected as the KLA Secretary in April 2024. Initiated in London in 1988, he has been a member of Be Prepared Lodge No. 9845 since September 2013 (WM 2017-18), and Joined the Lodge of Unity, Peace & Concord Lodge No. 316 in June 2019, being the current Assistant Secretary. In Scouting, Steve was District Commissioner for South East Berkshire from 2014-2022 and is currently a District Training Adviser and County Narrowboat Adviser for Berkshire. Outside hobbies include Geocaching, walking, narrowboating and membership of the local u3a.
Associate Member Liaison Officer
W. Bro John Bruffell
I was a member of the 10th and 72nd Companies of the Boys Brigade in Liverpool and subsequently, through my Wife and Boys being in scouting, was a Group secretary and a District Treasurer within scouting.
My role to ensure all the associate members of the KLA are updated and communicate regularly as an important section of the biggest group of Special Interest Lodges in the UK and around the world.
W. Bro Pat Farr
Pat has been a member of Venturer Lodge 7897 in Essex since his Gilwell days some forty years ago. Also Past Master of Unity Peace and Concord No.316 (the K L A Past Masters Lodge) and currently editing the KLA website. “Scouting and Freemasonry combines my time as County Training Manager and Lodge Secretary. The website is a great tool for the world to see and gain daily knowledge and so we must all use it well…”