The Kindred Lodges Association is an association of freemasons who are or have been involved in youth work.
Membership is either through a subscribing member lodge or as an individual Associate Member. Apart from encouraging inter lodge visiting of brethren, the prime activities are to hold two meetings a year, an Autumn Festival usually in London or the Home Counties area, and a Spring Festival in the Provinces. These are organised in turn by various member lodges, which act as the host lodge and provide the programme for the meeting. The dress for these meetings is the uniform of the youth organisation for those entitled to wear it, a practice also followed by many of the lodges at one of their meetings during their Masonic year.
Additionally an occasional Newsletter is circulated to all individual members as well as the lodges.
The Association is administered by a Committee of representatives from each member lodge from whom the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are elected.Associate Members are entitled to attend the Festivals in their own right, and bring guests if they wish, as well as being welcome to attend ordinary meetings of a Kindred Lodge (Subject of course to due notice and payment of any dining fees etc.). The subscription to become an Associate Member is collected as one payment of £8.00 every leap year. If joining during one of the intervening years the subscription is proportionally reduced. To join now is just £8 to the end of 2027.
To pay your membership please complete the form below and ALSO make payment by BACS
Account Name: Kindred Lodges Association
Sort Code: 60-06-26
Account No: 29546303
Reference: KLA Associate Subs [Name]