Keith Lang, Arrowhead lodge of Freedom 8500 doing well now, a brother to be raised in October, a candidate to be initiated in November, a Passing in January’, and an Initiation in February. We have a Light Blue WM this year and again in 2019. Our membership is now 23 and should be 25 at the end of the year. Our social activities are overall very successful they include a loyal bowling team in the local masonic league
The Lodge of Unity, Peace & Concord No. 316, the KLA’s own Installed Masters’ Lodge, held its Installation meeting in London in June. This was the first meeting of the Lodge attended by W Bro. Michael Baden-Powell, who has recently been appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer in the United Grand Lodge of Victoria. W Bro. Pat Farr installed W Bro. Adrian Eggleston as WM, who then appointed his officers for the year. No office is progressive in this Lodge; all joining members become Stewards the year after joining and regular attenders are then offered a one-year appointment.
The Lodge voted to donate £500 to the Metropolitan Grand Lodge appeal in aid of the London Fire & Rescue Service. It also changed its by-laws so that the Autumn meeting can coincide with the KLA’s Autumn Festival.
The Lodge currently has 92 members with three joining members to be balloted for in September. Can you help us reach 100 members?
All KLA members are welcome to attend meetings of this Lodge and all Craft Installed Masters who are also members of the KLA, either through a member Lodge or as individual members, may become joining members. Further details from the Lodge’s KLA representative and Membership Secretary, W Bro. Tony Harvey.
The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance No 6384, Installation in August. At the Provincial Meeting in November 2 of our Brethren will receive Acting Rank as Provincial Grand Standard Bearers. Membership at 25 with our latest being Passed at our September Meeting which is at Ormskirk District Scout Headquarters. The pull up KLA Banner was utilised in conjunction with the Provincial Recruitment Trailer at a recent Open Day at the East Lancashire Masonic Charity Residential Home and received some interest.
Bro. Rod Playford from Brownsea Island Lodge No 9689 in the Province of Dorset. Since my last report to you (15 March 2018) the Lodge has been busy, 44 Brownsea Brethren did indeed become 45 and then 46 as we Initiated a new Brother into Freemasonry at our June Meeting. Brethren have also participated in a social evening, a ‘Wild Camping’ weekend on Dartmoor, a Lodge BBQ and the Dorset Masonic Raft Race. Our numbers will swell even further to 47, as we have another Initiate for our September Meeting and then additional prospective Brethren waiting in the wings. There are further social events planned and another weekend on Brownsea Island. All in all, a full period of activity.
In addition – Six go wild in Dartmoor!
Six intrepid members of Brownsea Island Lodge recently embarked on a mission to hike into the wilds of Dartmoor following a challenge laid down by one of its members to practice some of the skills they learned whilst in the Scouts!
Brownsea Island being one of Dorset’s themed lodges, the challenge was readily accepted by the team and soon saw them setting off at sunrise to their destination for a wild camp overnight.
Accompanied by three dogs the team carried all their own equipment, tents and rations for the weekend over an arduous route testing their map reading skills as well as their stamina!
Arriving tired but in good spirits at their planned destination the team enjoyed an overnight camp adjacent to an old mine before the return walk the following morning. Now that the legs have recovered, and the blisters have healed the guys are planning a return visit next year!
Steven Hides, Pathfinder Lodge 8236. Here shown accepting the tile along with Dobbie as it is their privilege to be hosting this year’s Autumn festival on the 22nd September and look forward to welcoming all. They also have 50-year celebrations on Friday 5th October when Tony Harvey will be delivering his lecture on Scouting and freemasonry two parallel organisations. You should have received a booking form and your support would be appreciated, if you want a copy please email Very happy to report that they now have 4 new candidates, this will keep them busy for the rest of this year and most of the next.
Kudu 8662 is still suffering from lack of numbers but is slowly on the up. We have a couple of joining members and some work to do with ceremonies in the short term. We have Alistair Shirley, son of one of our long-standing members, Richard Shirley, being installed in to the chair of King Solomon in September. After meeting in the Masonic Centre in Radlett since the consecration of the Lodge we are moving to the Halsey Masonic Hall in Watford. We now have a regular LOI and the future which frankly was looking bleak is now better.
Indaba Lodge 9454
In April this year members, Bro Mike Neal, W. Bro Andy Reed and W. Bro Stewart Caveney, rose to the challenge of making a 90-foot-long sausage (pork and apple) to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of The Billingham Synthonia Scout Group. There are a further 5 adult members of the Synthonia Scout Group who are also long-standing members of Indaba Lodge and who took on the task of cooking this magnificent sausage during the anniversary celebrations.
Ernie Horton, Compass Lodge 8765 has held 2 Social Lunches and a Social High Tea is planned for next Sunday.
Woodsmoke Lodge 9317, ticking along nicely, sad loss of one of our most loyal members, taken too soon but on a positive note, new blood already in attendance and the prospects of another candidate, both interviewed in September.
Initiation, raising and passing’s to be performed this masonic year. Also looking forward to next year when light blue first timers will be occupying the Master’s Chair for hopefully several years to come.
Preparations already in hand for Woodsmoke to host the KLA festival in 2021, it will be something a bit different?
Down Under up here!
W. Bro. David Dolling, current W.M. of Baden Powell Lodge 488 in the United Grand lodge of Victoria, based in Melbourne has returned to his home of native birth for a short visit but has managed a full programme of KLA related Lodges as part of the overall trip by visiting 9674 Walesby Forest in Nottinghamshire, 7102 Quest and 9454 Indaba, both in Durham, 9065 Pioneer Lodge in Derbyshire and finishing off with 9850 Scout Lodge in Norfolk. David is here pictured with yours truly and the newly installed Master for Pioneer Lodge Bro. Mick Bishop. When asked how he found the Installation Ceremony under Taylors Workings, he was at first very quiet but then said it really was interesting and nothing like he had ever seen before.
Norjam International Scout and Guide Jamboree
Takes place every four years and is held on the Norfolk showground. Mike Gooderson from Scout Lodge 9850 in Norfolk heavily involved along with Derek Hagan from Venturer Lodge 7897 was also there teaching bush craft.
Peter Baker, The Scout Lodge, 9814, of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, is doing rather well. We seem to have had a rather steady growth curve and, despite having had a couple of Brethren who have journeyed to The Grand Lodge Above, seem to have an almost endless supply of Scouters being Initiated.
KLA Committee meeting schedule. In 2016 it was proposed that the KLA Committee could cut its formal meeting schedule to once per year at the Spring meeting. The trial period was set for two years and that is due to end next spring. Please give this some consideration as a review will be on the agenda in 2019.
Lodge Baden-Powell No. 222, Adelaide South Australia. 4 October the Lodge will initiate Mr Harry Long the Chief Commissioner of Scouts South Australia a great catch for the Lodge. Having met Harry on a couple of occasions while down under I can confirm that this is a good man who has done a lot for Scouting both in Australia and worldwide. I wish I could be there. Brian H.
Scoutcraft Lodge No: 9936 is progressing well. They had the installation of their second Worshipful Master in April this year and he is looking forward to Passing our five new Entered Apprentice’s in October and November. They are also considering further applications from prospective candidates. We had a very successful black-tie function to celebrate our first anniversary.
Current membership is 43 plus 4 Honorary /29 Founders with 2 candidates awaiting initiation. Summer Barbeque postponed due to ill health of our Master, but Barbeque planned for September 2019 and Anniversary Dinner/ Dance in March 2019. Currently raising funds to support those selected to attend the next World Scout Jamboree in 2019. Preparations are in hand for our second Installation ceremony since consecration in April 2019 and to host the KLA festival autumn 2021.
Gilwell Reunion – Once again the KLA and other related stands were present at Gilwell Reunion.
KLA Merchandise – The KLA has some merchandise available – details can be obtained from your KLA Representative. Particularly the neckerchief and woggle worn by many at our uniform meetings and/or after meetings. Together with Polo / Sweat Shirts for attendance at outside events. Visit Kindred Lodges Association Website and log in as members at:
The Scout Lodge MMM / RAM 1907 – met in Cardiff, Province of South Wales, by the kind permission of the Provincial Grand Master where they Elevated Bro. Clive Carroll and Installed W. Bro. David Hislop in the morning RAM, both ceremonies conducted by W. Bro. Brian Trowbridge.
In the afternoon Mark meeting we Advanced Bro Ólafur Magnússon, X degree, of the Grand Lodge of Iceland. The ceremony was split between the W.M., W. Bro. Peter Leach, and W. Bro. Tony Harvey with parts delivered by W. Bros. Graham Jones and Brian Trowbridge. It is believed that Ólafur may be the first member of his Grand Lodge to become an English MMM.
An excellent though long day.
BP Lodge #381 NZ – sponsored with the assistance of Homewood Lodge, Hutt Wairarapa District lodges and the NZ Freemasons Charity the fit-out (mattresses, interior finishes, fire protection, solar lighting and more) of this tramping (hiking) hut at the regional campsite known as Brookfield Outdoor Education Centre. Several of our brethren were actively involved in the design and construction which has been totally by volunteers.
The completed hut was traditionally blessed today in accordance with Maori protocols and opened. It’s designed as an educational hut for youth and is open for both Scouts and public hire – great opportunity to stay and experience the NZ bush in a safe environment. Steve Gough and I visited this facility earlier this year, everything had to be transported by helicopter, the site being so remote in the bush. Really good to see the finished product and a credit to to the Lodge in New Zealand.
Kindred Lodges Association – Constitution. As I write I know that our Chair Steve Gough has prepared a document in line with proposals discussed at our last Spring Committee meeting. Watch this space for further updates.
Latest News from the Treasurer
Donations made
£100.00 to East Lancashire Masonic Charity – The Manchester Bombing Appeal.
£250.00 to Promise Path Appeal – Gilwell Park
Donation received
£259.89 received from Sure & Stedfast Lodge 9326 (Liverpool) following their closure.
£116.00 received from Griffin Lodge No:9737 (Rugby) Talk to Past Masters Lodge by KLA Chair
£100.00 from sale of regalia by the KLA Chair.
What happens next? The Spring Festival will take place on 13 April 2019 hosted by Walesby Forest 9674 Lodge in the Nottinghamshire Province. There will be an opportunity for you to volunteer and take over the UK secretary role at this meeting, all nominations to the Chair please. This will be followed by an Autumn festival on 19th October hosted by Be Prepared 9845 in the Berkshire Province. Future festivals include:
Spring 2020 – North Kent Lodge, Kent
Autumn 2020 – Pax Hill Lodge, Hampshire
Spring 2021 – Woodsmoke Lodge, Yorkshire West Riding
Autumn 2021 – Scoutcraft Lodge, Bristol
Autumn 2023 – Arrowhead Lodge of Freedom, West Lancashire
Bookings now being taken for 2022 and beyond. Applications please via the UK Secretary, KLA.
If you wish to contribute to any future Newsletter or need any information about the KLA or members Lodges, please do not hesitate to contact the UK Secretary on: