News from Argentina
Our Dear Lodge Baden Powell 465 in conjunction with the home Bernardino Rivadavia (place that houses more than 350 boys in state of poverty giving food, study, dress, physical recreation, medical care etc.) this institution is under The Amparo of our great lodge of our country and the coordination of The Scout Association List AC (Traditional Scout Union of Argentina) was decided to founded a new scout group to house all these boys and doing a scoutismo for everyone.
Scouts Cymru Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1995
The Scouts Cymru Lodge of Mark Master Masons is well into its second year since consecration. In that time, we have Advanced two new members, we have another in waiting for our February 2020 meeting and a couple more in readiness for future meetings.
We hosted the Mid Glamorgan Area Scout Council’s AGM in September 2019 and that was a resounding success with mostly non masons in attendance with a number of their young charges.
After their meeting many visited the Temple with great excitement & curiosity, many questions were asked, and much interest shown.
We installed our second Worshipful Master, W Bro Kenneth Martin Bonham in October in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro T R E Jones, Asst. Provincial Grand Master W Bro Philip W Davies and a colourful Provincial Team. V W Bro Tony Harvey, P.G.J.O., R.A.M.G.R.
Masonic/Scouting liaison was also in attendance and presented our first and exclusive Scout Scarf which was a resounding success.
The Scarf is worn at our after proceedings, in the future we will examine the practice of wearing uniform to some of our meetings – for those so entitled.
We are currently twenty-five in number and are open to new Advancees and Joining Members alike, we’d be particularly interested to hear from those who showed an interest as we were forming but didn’t follow it through to consecration.
A little humour
The benefits of a good vocabulary: I recently called an old engineering buddy of mine and asked what he was working on these days. He replied that he was working on aquathermal treatment of ceramics, aluminium and steel, under a constrained environment. I was impressed until, upon further enquiry, I learned that he was washing dishes in hot water under his wife’s supervision!
Freemasons’ Lodge Scoon & Perth, No3
We were pleased to assist the 22nd Perthshire Scout Group with a donation of £500 to assist them in the purchase of new tents.
Breaking news from Norfolk
Scout Lodge No 9850
An update to Provincial Appointments for Scout Lodge members. Our Deputy PGM has announced his retirement from the PGL meeting in May. This means our PGM has promoted Mike Gooderson to DPGM and appointed Richard Butler to be an APGM.
Just picked this up from one of Australian Brothers, Author unknown but well worth a read.
1. Ritual Without Meaning
Too many times, we are more concerned about performing the ritual perfectly without understanding what it means. Ritual for the sake of tradition is worthless. Ritual for the sake of enlightenment is valuable. An understanding of the ritual’s meaning is far more important than just memorising it.
2. Fellowship without Frivolity
Whenever Masons decide to hold a function for fellowship, a discussion typically ensues about how to make the function have the smallest impact on the lodge’s finances and the wallets of the members. This results in paper plates, meagre meals, boring and less well attended events. To spend money wisely in order to make fellowship a grand time is wise for the lodge that wants to be successful. Also, we do not have to be slaves to form, endlessly repeating the same toasts and replies – we should reward individuality and creativity in order to keep our meetings alive and fun!
3. Quantity without Quality
A lodge with seven great men that believe in the Masonic ideals and actively strive to improve themselves—and therefore the lodge—is far better off than a lodge with one hundred men that show up to lodge just to be seen.
4. Education without Philosophy
Many times, we think of Masonic education as being a lesson on the local lodge’s history, a famous Mason, the history of the worldwide fraternity, or how to do the ritual properly. But if no philosophy is covered in Masonic education, then little self-improvement is accomplished. Discussing Masonic lessons in terms of philosophy, ideas, and a man’s conduct is what truly transforms men into Masons. It is important to share and discuss topics that are foreign to a lodge’s membership and it is sometimes even necessary to challenge our preconceived ideologies through Masonic education.
5. Charity without Connection
Big charities often require that fund raisers be conducted, and large cheques written to the people that actually perform the charity. This type of charity offers no self-improvement because it has no real connection to us or our life. If we extend our hands to our needed Brethren and devote our own skills and time to their problems, then we are engaging in true, meaningful charity.
6. Frugality without Discretion
Frugality is not a tenet of Freemasonry, a cardinal virtue, or a Landmark. It is acceptable for the lodge to spend its funds on worthwhile activities that will enhance the Masonic experience of its Brethren. Not everything should be done in the cheapest way, a habit to which we have become accustomed.
7. Leadership without Competence
A man does not deserve to be master of the lodge, solely because he has spent a certain amount of years attending meetings or because he is next in line. We, on occasion, elect our leaders without any regard for the skills that they possess in order to function in that capacity. We should only elect competent and qualified men to preside over us.
Pax Hill Lodge No 9878
WM Andy Rogers and Bro Justin Churcher and 2nd and 1st from left respectively presenting two cheques to Chandlers Ford DC John Leeks totalling £750 towards a ride on mower for the district campsite, Cranbury Park. £250 was from Pax Hill Lodge and £500 from the Provinces Tom Langton non masonic charities fund.
A quick update from Joe Morrow, Venture Lodge 8198
– doing well looks like a new member for 2020 a joining member for 2020 so things moving in the right direction also we have a scouter going in the chair for the first time in February 2020.
Be Prepared Lodge No 9845
Currently have 26 members, with three potential future members – all at an early stage at the moment, but I am hopeful that at least two of them will end up being Initiated into the Lodge. At our next meeting we will be performing a Passing Ceremony, followed by a Raising in February, and another Raising in April – although this could well change if we do get an Initiate.
They continue to support Scouting locally, with several members being active in Groups and Districts around Berkshire and beyond – including Dubai.
What a good idea…
Indaba Lodge 9454 has a new regular item on their Lodge agenda which they hope will become a tradition. After the 3rd risings we ask for short reports on Youth Activities that our members have been personally involved in since their last meeting.
(I have a copy of the last report which alone would fill this newsletter, Well done!)
Duo Fraternitates No 9146
Looking to the future with two candidates in the pipeline. They unfortunately lost a new brother to the Grand Lodge above which was a real shame as he was so keen.
They are fundraising towards the Bedfordshire Scout Project which is being well supported but they have also been able to support numerous other charities including the Henlow District Scout Campsite to the tune of £1000. Now looking also to support 12th Hitchin Scout Group with help towards to Leader costs at their 2020 summer camp to Camp Read in New York State and also hope to support Wixham Scout Group, a new group in Bedfordshire, with help to finance new equipment.
Michael and Grandma
The funeral of Robert Baden-Powell, Baronet & 3rd Baron Baden-Powell the grandson of the founder of Scouting took place mid-January.
He served the Movement in a number of roles, including Chief Scout Commissioner and UK Contingent Leader for the 1975 World Jamboree. He was a Vice President of The Scout Association.
Both titles (the Baronetcy and the Peerage) now pass to The Hon. David Michael Baden-Powell, who becomes the 4th Baronet & Baron Baden-Powell.
Michael is an active Scout and a Freemason. He is a Commissioner in Victoria, Scouts Australia, a Past Master of Baden-Powell Lodge No. 488, VC, and a Past Grand Standard Bearer in the United Grand Lodge of Victoria. In 2015 he became a joining member of the Lodge of Unity, Peace & Concord No. 316, English Constitution, the Installed Masters’ Lodge for the Kindred Lodges Association.
Both Steve Gough and I had the privilege of being hosted by Michael and Joan, (affectionately known as Grandma), while on our trip down under. Steve has contacted the 4th Baronet to enquire as to how he should be addressed in future, his reply was simple,
“I am still Michael and Joan is still Grandma”
Kudu Lodge 8662 ‘on the up’
Following some years with much reduced numbers, as the only Scout Lodge in the Province of Hertfordshire something had to change!
The initiatives from Grand Lodge with ‘Members Pathway’ and ‘Solomon’ were presented and well received. A bold decision was made to move our meeting and dining venue to the Halsey Masonic Hall in Watford, which incidentally is the only purpose-built Masonic hall in Hertfordshire.
It is with great pleasure that we can report that at our meeting in November 2019 we had two joining members and one initiate. An ‘emergency meeting’ in January will see another two initiates, with another two at the regular meeting in February. There
There is plenty of work now for Kudu Lodge and the team of officers who have regular LOI’s are excited at the prospect!
The future of Kudu Lodge is a lot ‘rosier’ and we look forward to joining in more KLA events in the future.
The Kudu horn which is blown before each Festive Board now has more ‘troops’ to summons!
The Scoutcraft Lodge 9936]
The Lodge formed in April 2017 has grown in membership to 43 including 4 candidates currently being raised and passed.
Due to the current number of candidate’s other lodges have been assisting with ceremonies and by dispensation initiated three candidates at their January meeting.
The Lodge has Provided £500.00 to Avon County Scouts to assist those attending European Jamboree in Poland this summer.
Now preparing to host the KLA festival autumn 2021
Probably the first Scouting and Freemasons meeting anywhere in the world this decade
The Baden Powell Lodge 381 N. Z.
Enjoyable special meeting with our Bylaws allowing us to meet in conjunction with National Scout events, our BP Lodge 22nd NZ Scout Jamboree meeting with a meal was held at the Waipa Lodge rooms in Te Awamutu. A good night of Scout and Masonic fellowship.
KLA Useful information
Details of promotional items and all other contacts for the KLA can be found on the KLA Web Site which is
Do not just type in your browser KLA unless you wish to join the Kosovan Liberation Army!!!