Baden Powell lodge 465 Buenos Aires, Argentina
After a year of waiting for the pandemic, after time of training, zooming, printing games so that our children without the internet will begin to smell what Scouting is, today was the day, that day that we wait with great anxiety and that beautiful anxiety “the one to serve”, some with experience and others not, in the end everything equals expectations, see the innate fraternity among the children, for them there are no economic, or religious differences.
Then they become our best teachers in that we lose or forget in our adulthood, play again as children heals the soul, when was the last time you played? Having adventures like pirates, having memory of objects behind a curtain, setting fire etc., learning to share to be better, to be ready, save and serve? I think I am a boy in the reflections of what a Scout Group generates in a community, in a family out there and especially in a child, I’m happy to have the honor of being on par with every member of our beloved GSHBR No.13 there’s a lot ahead of me and leaving clue signs for children and young people to make the world a better place.
Gabriel Palma, Group Leader

In Dorset all the lodges are walking to Freemasons Hall and back, 219 miles. Here is a photo of one of Brownsea Island Lodge members on his walk through Bushey Park wearing his KLA Scarf.
The APGM of Oxfordshire has made a request to investigate the possibility of establishing a Scout themed Lodge in Oxfordshire.
News from Lodge of Unity, Peace, and Concord 316
The Installation will take place on Sat 26th June 2021. At present this meeting will still be held at FMH. There are indications that attendance may be limited, but we must wait and see. The Freemasons Arms have been contacted and hopefully they will be open so we can dine there.
The Autumn Meeting was planned for Saturday 16th October in Bristol when the Scoutcraft Lodge were hosting the KLA Festival, however, due to problems created by the recent lock downs Scoutcraft has request, that date to be moved to 20th November.
Following consultation with Mike Gooderson (who will be W.M) we have decided that we should not move the meeting of 316, therefore it will still be held on 16th October, but will be moved to somewhere in Norfolk instead. You will be advised when a location has been booked, and then apply for a dispensation.
Pax Hill Lodge No. 9878
Have been able to continue to give grants to scouts in the province towards equipment purchases totalling £1965 in 2020 and been successful in applying for further grants from provincial funds for a further £890.
In autumn 2022 they will celebrate their tenth year since consecration which we look forward to immensely.

Anyone interested in supporting France & Iberia district in BSO, Growth & Dev with the scout groups, act as an adviser to mainly GSLs and support recruitment of adults and YP.
Further details from myself 07456 393977.
Rikki Bilverstone Deputy District Commissioner.
France & Iberia District Area Training Manager British Scouting Overseas
Facebook: British Scouting Overseas
Instagram: @BritishScoutingOverseas
LinkedIn: British Scouting Overseas
KLA Web Site
Pat Farr is developing the new site to include a Photo and short biography or each of the officers. In addition, he would like to link up to any individual lodge Web sites with a little background information about the Lodge. Any help or information to Pat at

Kibbelstone Ken has had his first jab, ‘it did not hurt one bit.’