Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best.
Robert Baden-Powell, “B-P’s Last Message, 1941
Found this in an Australian Newsletter and it reminded me of our visit down under two years ago and is a great example of young people being directly involved with the lodge and taking an active part in the ceremony, a good lesson for all.
Let’s get through these difficult times together
I really hope everyone is being careful because people are going crazy from being in lock down! I have just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster and we all agreed that things are getting bad. I did not mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything. Certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end the iron straightened me out as she said everything will be fine, no situation is too pressing. The vacuum was very unsympathetic… told me to just suck it up, but the fan was more optimistic and hoped it would all soon blow over! The toilet looked a bit flushed when I asked its opinion and didn’t say anything but the door knob told me to get a grip. The front door said I was unhinged and so the curtains told me to ……..yes, you guessed it …..pull myself together
The Old Black Shoes
The old black shoes are looking glum
As I pass the lobby door,
“What’s wrong with you?” they seem to say,
“We’re going out no more.
We’ve taken not a single step,
Not third or even first,
And ne’er a sign we’ve seen you give,
Has Masonry been cursed?”
“It has”, I said, “by virus vile,
We have to stay at home
Until such time the plague has passed,
Then once more we can roam.
The Masons’ Halls are empty,
Regalia put away,
Gavels now stay silent,
DCs hold no sway.
Volumes of the Sacred Law
On pedestals redundant,
Now Brother Jim contacts his friends
By social posts abundant.
No handshake, word or secret sign,
No friendly Festive Board
No Tyler’s song to say Goodnight,
No organ’s well-loved chord.
“Black shoes,” I said, “do not despair,
Our Chain is firm and strong
Our flag of love remains unfurled
We’ll sing again our song.
And though our Brethren may have passed
To Grander Lodge Above,
We’ll look upon their memories
With everlasting Love;
And in their name, we’ll offer help
And soothe the burdened heart;
We’ll comfort those who are distressed,
Thus Masons play their part.
And when this crisis is resolved
We’ll sing the old refrain,
Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part,
Happy to meet again.
Three Scouts were bragging about how tough they were. “I wear out a pair of hiking boots in a month,” the first scout said. “I wear out a pair of scout pants in a week,” the second scout remarked. “That’s nothing,” the last scout boasted, “I wear out a leader in 20 minutes!
9845 Be Prepared
At their February meeting Stephen Richards presented his son Alex with three Scout awards. This was done during the Third Rising with the three certificates, which are: Chief Scout’s 10 Years’ Service Award Wood Badge for his ADC (Scouts) role Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service.
In addition
W. Bro. Alex presented £737 from his master’s list to staff from High Close School. The school is in Wokingham and is run by Barnardo’s.
Following a recent consultation, a question was asked in relation to how individual lodges help in the community. Just two replies, surely there are more???
Adrian, our Associate members Coordinator wrote: Up here in the people’s republic we try to ensure that our lodge premises earn their keep and are not ‘dark’ for too long. To that end we have an agreed set of rules with the local authority which permit us to have public functions under the terms of our club certificate. To that end when the Royal British Legion hold their annual dinner, we do not charge for the use of the premises. In turn they ‘sup’ a lot and both organisations are happy. Outside the terms of the club licence if the scouts or guides at local or county level wish to hold a meeting, then likewise, we do not levy a charge. We give them ‘support in kind’ rather than simply cash. Other than that, we trust in TGAOTU, everyone else pays cash.
And Rod Playford added, Brownsea Island Lodge No 9689 meets at the Masonic Hall in Wareham. The Hall is regularly hired out and where appropriate free of charge, additionally the chosen Charity for the Lodge this year is Wareham Scouts, so I feel that we as a KLA Lodge already promote a very positive picture and have good standing within the local community. As an additional note, the joint Lodges of Wareham are also actively participating in the Wareham VE Celebrations in May this year, the Hall being used as a refreshment’s venue.
Great first lockdown The Baden Powell Lodge No 381, Freemasons NZ catch up with brethren zooming in from north to south – from Tuakau, Napier, Wanganui, Palmerston North, Kapiti Coast, Wellington and Invercargill. Being a national lodge, which has it’s regular meetings every two months we’ve found a way to meet in our off month and involve our country members in the future! :-)
If you have ANY other articles or information for the next Newsletter PLEASE let have it. A photo would be a bonus but NOT essential, information on activities, awards, charitable giving would be much appreciated. Please contact if you need anything further.
Founders Day was held in Lodge Baden Powell 465, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the installation of officers under the presidency of the venerable Master, Homer Bonafert, a beautiful night where we take advantage to remember our founders. For the meeting some of us attended with our uniforms and regalia. Gabriel Palma, National Head of the Argentine Traditional Scout Union of Argentina (USTA), where he shared the latest news of the Scout Group Home Bernardino Rivadavia.
Spring Festival 2020 – North Kent Lodge 2499
Around 175 (Yes 175!) in attendance with full Provincial team to celebrate the KLA Festival AND see a new candidate initiated into the Lodge. Photos show the presentation of the tile and of course Dobby to our next hosts at Pax Hill and our newly elected KLA Chair, Paul Wong presenting a token of appreciation to Steve Gough who was duly appointed as President of our Association.
Scout & KLA Roller Banner and carrier bag £50
KLA Knecker and Woggle £10
KLA Pin £2.50
KLA Polo Shirt Black £18.50
KLA Sweatshirt Black £25