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Indaba Lodge

LODGE: | Indaba Lodge |
LODGE NO: | 9454 |
VENUE: | The Freemasons Hall, Archer Street, Darlington, Durham DL3 6LS |
MEETINGS: | 1st Saturday in March, 1st Wednesdays in May, June (Installation) and September (Uniform) and 1st Saturday in November. |
From the beginning....
The lodge was formed in 1992 with 51 founding members and 14 honorary members and was consecrated at Wellington Street in Stockton. Darlington, our home, wasn’t quite big enough to accommodate everyone who wanted to attend. Our regular home is Archer Street Darlington where we meet on the first Saturday in March, the first Wednesday in May, the second Monday in June, the first Wednesday in September and the first Saturday in November.

The First World Scout Indaba held at Gilwell Park in July 1952 captures the Lodge ethos perfectly…
“Let it be the determination of all who have been here at Gilwell to spread the Scout spirit wherever they go, that spirit of peace and friendliness which is so sorely needed in the world today.“
Those words and the occasion were the source for our name. Originally, an indaba (pronounced in-da-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal men) of the Zulu or Xhosa peoples of South Africa.

We have been involved with the KLA from the very outset. The Lodge hosted the KLA Spring Festival in April 1996. The Provincial Grand Master The Lord Barnard joined us for the day. One hundred and fifteen masons from 36 lodges across the UK sat down in Wellington St Stockton. Lodge Fleur de Lys demonstrated a Scottish second degree ceremony.
It was inevitable that our successful masonry and ethos would lead to more activities The brethren wanted all our members to have the opportunity to complete their masonry within the Indaba family and so Indaba Chapter was formed and warranted on 12th November 1997 and duly consecrated on 21st March 1998. In 2012 the Indaba family increased again with the consecration of Indaba Mark Lodge.

The lodge has experienced some truly wonderful masonic occasions. In 2004 W Bro Allan Neal initiated, passed and raised his nephew Andy.In 2007 The WM John Trenholm initiated, passed and raised his son Simon.In 2014 the WM Andy Neal initiated passed and raised his own father Mike.In 2015 the WM W.Bro Mark Anderson the GSL of Synthonia Scout Group initiated, passed and raised two of his own scout leaders into the Lodge.These ceremonies were even more special to the Bradburn family.Elliott one of the Synthonia leaders was son and grandson to Peter (Dad) and Peter (Grandad) our two proudest members that year.
At our March meeting in 2012 we invited the Master of Indaba Mark, the principals of Indaba Chapter and their ladies to join us. Collectively, the three Indaba orders presented a cheque for £800 to Middleton St George Scout group to allow them to purchase a mess tent.
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