SCOUTCRAFT LODGE No.9936 - Province of Bristol - November 20th 2021 The Scoutcraft Lodge No 9936 hosted the Autumn Festival...
Scoutcraft Lodge
LODGE: | Scoutcraft Lodge |
LODGE NO: | 9936 |
VENUE: | Freemason's Hall, Park Street, Bristol BS1 5NH |
MEETINGS: | 2nd Saturday in February / 3rd Saturdays in April (Installation), October and November |
FACEBOOK: | scoutcraftlodge9936 |
The Scoutcraft Lodge No 9936 meets at Freemasons’ Hall, Park Street in the Province of Bristol. The Lodge was consecrated on 29th April 2017, with its 29 founder members a mixture of both active and past members of the Scout Association, or other similar youth organisations, mostly within the geographical boundary of the current County of Avon.
Scoutcraft Lodge meets on the 2nd Saturday in February and April and the 3rd Saturday in October and November. The Installation of the new Worshipful Master, with its unique Inner Working, occurs at the April meeting and attracts visitors from far afield. As an homage to the nautical history of the Province, the newly installed Worshipful Master is presented with a Scouting alternative to the naval captain’s cocked hat, that is often seen worn by other Masters in the Province.
All the Lodge members and honorary members wear the unique Bristol Province Scout neckerchief and woggle to all meetings throughout the year. Every new candidate is invested with their own Provincial Scout necker at the end of their initiation ceremony. All members, guests and visitors who are either active or past Scouters are invited to wear full Scouting uniform to the February meeting. The Lodge also host a Family lunch at the November meeting, when members’ invite their families and friends to dine at the After Meeting.
The Lodge continues to initiate new members every year and has also welcomed a number of joining members from outside the Province, who are keen to participate in the unique ritual that is traditional Bristol Working.
The Lodge prioritises is fundraising and charitable donations to give financial support to local Scout Groups, or to support individuals to participate in region, national and international Scouting events.
During its consecration year, the Lodge was presented with its mascot by the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, who was a guest at the time. It is a statue of a meerkat in traditional Scouts uniform and he has become affectionately known as “Monty”. During Lodge ceremonies, Monty stands on the Treasurer’s table to oversee all the business of the Lodge. He is then transferred to the top table to stand in front of the Worshipful Master during the After Meeting.
All visitors receive a warm welcome, enjoy the spectacular ceremonies of and unique ritual of Bristol Working and experience the most hospitable fraternity and friendship of the Lodge After Meeting, where they are saluted with the traditional “Bristol Scout Yell”.
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